Looking back at our first day of drawing, I think I captured the whole overall movement of the figure better because I wasn’t focused on looking at just the rib cage in particular, but the figure as a whole such as in Drawing1. Focusing on the spinal cord, rib cage and pelvis definitely helped out a lot though, I think it is confining me more and making my drawings into more realistic figures. These three things we have primarily focused on thus far in the semester. I need to learn how to quicken myself in shorter gesture drawings. I’d have to say about two minute gestures are perfect time to go quick, but yet get most of the information you want and also having a little bit of time to look. I do, however, enjoy the long poses the best because you have ample time to really observe and pick out muscles and make corrections.
Mannequins can get me frustrated easily. Not only is the book tough to accurately represent the muscle, but I have a hard time forming the clay and making it smooth. I think it is due to my cold fingers not being able to activate the clay. I’ve learned that it is better to go bigger because it is easier to take off clay than add it. On the positive side, I really do enjoy the lectures we have in class regarding the anatomy of the human figure and how the muscles interact. It is also cool to add on muscles and then visually see them on the model when we draw. Sometimes, since there are so many muscles I get them confused or forget the names, but I think time and practice will make me a pro.
One thing I need to work on is finding the movement in the spinal cord and rib cage because I just assume it is all straight and start off with a normal egg. I need to push myself to look at the overall movement first and then lay it in. I also feel like I get lost in the pelvic bone at times. I have a tendency to make the triangle in the back of the pelvis parallel along the top of the bone, which i corrected in Drawing6. Some of my longer drawings get a little smudgy and I need to start off with lighter strokes, however I do think a little smudge adds to the overall piece and shows its history adding character. Overall, I am liking my progress and know some areas i would like to improve on and am excited to finish off the body.
Hey these are some really sweet drawings. Drawing 9 in particular caught my attention. The way you have captured the folds on the form is really quite amazing. Keep it up!